Beet Root Powder Supplement

Beet Root Powder 


  • Ingredient: 100% Pure Beet Root Powder
  • Specification: 3LB(1360G)/ Bottle
  • Support customization
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Beetroot is a health food with extremely high nutritional value. It also has a variety of natural active ingredients that can repair the damaged gastric mucosa of the human body and prevent irritating substances from causing damage to the human gastrointestinal mucosa. Preventing and relieving gastric ulcers can also improve gastrointestinal digestive function, which can quickly reduce abdominal pain, loss of appetite and indigestion in humans.

Beetroot also has a very positive effect on human cardiovascular. The trace elements magnesium and folic acid contained in it can soften blood vessels after being absorbed by the human body, and can reduce blood viscosity, it can prevent the formation of blood clots, and can reduce the blood pressure of the human body. Blood lipids maintain a normal and stable state, and regular consumption will significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • Improve digestive function
  • Maintain normal metabolism
  • Protect cardiovascular
  • Improve hematopoietic function

Beet Root Powder

Looking for a natural way to improve your health? Try beet root powder supplement! Beet root is rich in nutrients and has been shown to provide a range of health benefits. Our beet root powder supplement is made from 100% pure beetroot and is GMO free.

Beetroot is a great source of antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage. It’s also a good source of fiber, potassium, and iron. Beet root has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. It may also boost exercise performance and increase energy levels.

Our beet root powder supplement is easy to take. Just mix it with water or juice and drink once daily. You’ll start seeing the benefits of beetroot in no time!

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+86 150 9176 2980 (Lucy Lee)
+86 153 1903 5198 (Janelle Lee)

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